It's amazing how many times we tell ourselves bad things that draw us back. We never realize that we are listening to what we say. We don't realize that beating ourselves up does not change facts but rather create new boundaries in our minds. These boundaries that aren't but thoughts become our realities and beliefs.
It's amazing how many times we give in to our fears and let them guide us. We never realize that we are creating those fears. We rarely step out and look from the outside in; that's when we realize how minuscule our fears are and how naive we were. Those fears that aren't but thoughts become our realities and beliefs.
It's amazing how many times we blame ourselves for things that are out of our hands. We never realize that we cannot change what we cannot control. We rarely give ourselves the credit for good things, but more often find ways to hold ourselves guilty. That guilt that isn't but a thought becomes our reality and belief.
It’s amazing how many times we have played the role of the victim, secretly enjoyed it, then believed it, and eventually dealt with it as a reality.
It's a matter of choice whether we stay down or stand up again. It is always our choice to take our heads out of the swamp of mud, stand tall and look up. The whole view will change. We would be able to see new opportunities and open horizons.
The moment we decide to stop and think, then rethink and reevaluate all the beliefs that we have passively built up over the years, and willingly tear off those pseudo realities and mirages that were putting us down and drawing us back, only then we will be able to advance and truly live.
Author: Lama Lawand